Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Gardens are Wild

When people think of Inniswood Metro Gardens, flowers immediately come to mind. And flowers should.  Afterall, Innsiwood is a Metro Garden not a Metro Park,  Out of the total of 121 acres, about 40 of that is cultivated garden and mowed lawn.  And the gardens are spectacular.  A visit to Inniswood will not disappoint.  Actually, multiple visits to Innsiwood will not disappoint, as the gardens change a minimum of three times a year.  Tulips and daffodils in the Spring, seasonal displays in the Summer and mums in the Fall.  But you don't have to wait for the seasons to change, the gardens change constantly, new plants blooming as others begin to fade away, about every two weeks.

I spent 6.5 years working at Inniswood, and one thing that always amazes me is the amount of wildlife that can be seen at Inniswood, and how close you can get to it.  There were breeding pair of Cooper's hawks, red shoulder hawks, pileated woodpeckers, barred owls, and humming birds, tree swallows and bluebirds, all within decent camera range.  We have seen foxes, coyotes, muskrat, and mink.  Snapping turtles and painted turtles, spring peepers, american toads and tree frogs.  Don't forget the snakes; northern water snakes and  black rat snakes are common.  Do you like butterflies and insects?  They like Inniswood too.  We Rangers are pretty lucky to see such cool things while we are at work.

Northern Water Snake in the Sisters'
Garden Wetland
Visitors looking at a barred owl
in the Rock Garden

Brown legged grass carrying wasp
in the Cutting Garden
Mink carrying a cotton tail rabbit near
the Circle Garden


Friday, June 19, 2015

Vehicle Break-ins at Prairie Oaks Metro Park

Today there were two vehicles broken into at Prairie Oaks Metro Park.  While theft from vehicle is our most frequent law enforcement issue, it is not a problem isolated to Metro Parks.  In fact parks, gyms, and rec centers all across Central Ohio are having issues with theft from vehicles.  These places are targeted by thieves because people don't like to take their belongings on the trails, or into the gym, or to the pool, and leave them in their cars.  To help combat these thieves, please do not leave belongings in your vehicle.  This includes not only purses, briefcases and electronics, but ANY bag or item that looks like it could hold an item of value. Thieves have smashed windows to gain access to diaper bags and grocery tote bags, thinking they may hold items of value.  In some instances, change in the cup holder was the only item taken, or available to take for that matter.  Victims are left paying the deductible for a smashed window, which was broken out for $3.00 in change.  Click here for an information regarding keeping you and your valuables safe at your Metro Parks.

Defensive Driving

Metro Parks Ranger and Maintenance staff, did a little defensive driving training with the Summer Camp Counselors.  These Counselors will be driving passenger vans during Summer Camp operations, many of whom have never driven such big vehicles.  We put them through a maneuverability course to teach them proper mirror adjustment and usage, as well as to increase their spatial awareness of the vehicle.  The "Serpentine on a Curve" required them to weave in and out of the cones, forwards and backwards.  We are pleased to announce no cones were injured during the exercise.