Saturday, July 18, 2015

Stay On The Roadway

It seems it has rained at least 180 of the last 30 days.  Rivers have risen.  The ground is saturated.  The turf is a floating raft on mud.  Floating rafts of turf on mud do not serve well as roads.  

Yesterday at Sharon Woods Metro Park, an individual missed the turn to the parking lot of the area where his group was picnicking.  Instead of driving the quarter mile to the next parking lot, he decided to turn around in the lawn.  You can imagine the results were not favorable.  In fact, he got quite stuck, quite quickly.  This actually happens on a semi regular basis, though, I don't know why.  I mean, the turf is not a roadway.  That is where children play and people picnic.  Which is why we keep vehicles off the turf and on the roadway...  well... and to avoid getting stuck and damaging the turf.  

Even if it were dry, it is not ok to drive on the turf.  In fact, I don't use this word very often... but I think it is safe to say... NEVER drive on the turf at a Metro Park unless directed by a staff member to do so.

And for the record, we can not pull you out when you get stuck.  You are going to have to call a tow truck for that.

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