Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Assisting Local Agency

On Friday August 21, 2015 Rangers at Sharon Woods Metro Park were contacted by officers from Westerville Police Department (WPD) regarding an incident in their jurisdiction adjacent to the park. WPD was informed a young woman, who was put on a medical hold for threatening suicide, ran from the doctors office.  Officers requested Rangers search the park for the individual.  Immediately, park maintenance staff notified Park Rangers and WPD they had seen the individual walk into the park.

A Ranger quickly located the individual on the multi-use trail and directed WPD to the location. WPD took the individual into custody and transported her off the trail.  Later, after a conversation with the individual's doctor, it was determined the individual was not on a medical hold, as initially reported, and she was immediately released.  WPD Officers offered her help to get medical assistance for her mental health issue, which she accepted.  Officers then transported her to a local area hospital for medical assistance.

An excellent example of how Rangers assist other local agencies.  Great work Rangers and WPD Officers.

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