Thursday, March 17, 2016

Emergency Medical Responder Training

March 16, 2016

 A Ranger practices using a bag mask device
connected to oxygen
Currently, all of our Rangers are certified in Basic First Aid, CPR and use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).  In order to provide better service to our visitors, Metro Parks began stepping up training in this area.  Last year the first group of Rangers completed a higher lever of First Aid training called Emergency Medical Responder training through the Ohio Fire Academy.  This training increases the Rangers ability to provide more advanced care as First Responders.  Providing more care in this, the first link of the emergency medical services chain, helps to increase the chance of a positive outcome for the victim.  Today, the second group of Rangers began the Emergency Medical Responder training.  Over the next three weeks Rangers will learn the principals of patient assessment, principals of airway management, obtaining vital signs, caring for head and neck injuries, caring for cardiac emergencies, dealing with multiple injury incidents and many other emergency medical skills.

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